1) Find print books by their Call Numbers:
Below is a selection of books from the AST collection related to the subject "Homiletics"
Hint: Try browsing the shelves around these books to find others related to the subject
Methods of Preaching:
Thinking Theologically: The Preacher as Theologian |
BT 78 A45 2008 |
Cadences of Home: Preaching Among Exiles |
BV 4211.2 B745 1997
Homiletic: Moves and Structures |
BV 4211.2 B86 1987
Foolishness of Preaching: Proclaiming the Gospel Against the Wisdom of the World |
BV 4211.2 C265 1998
The Preaching Event |
BV 4222 C54 1989 |
As One without Authority |
BV 4211.3 C73 2001 |
Craddock on the Craft of Preaching |
BV 4211.3 C74 2011 |
Pitfalls in Preaching |
BV 4221 E75 1996 |
Preaching Christ from the Old Testament: A Contemporary Hermeneutical Method |
BS 1191.5 G73 1999 |
Preaching as a Language of Hope |
BV 4211.3 P73 2007
Folly of Preaching: Models and Methods |
BV 4211.3 F65 2007 |
Homiletical Plot, Expanded Edition: The Sermon as Narrative Art Form |
BV 4235 S76 L69 2001 |
Big Idea of Biblical Preaching: Connecting the Bible to People |
BS 534.5 B55 1998 |
Resources for Preaching:
Feasting on the Word: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary (4 volumes)
BV 4235 L43 F43 2008 year A-C
From Exegesis to Exposition: A Practical Guide to Using Biblical Hebrew |
BS 1171.2 C55 1998 |
Season of Creation: A Preaching Commentary |
BT 695.5 S34 2011
Dictionary of Illustrations; Over 900 Illustrations for Teachers, Speakers, and Ministers |
BV 4225.2 H4 |
Sources for Exegesis:
Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament (3 volumes)
BS 2312 E913 1990
Handbook of New Testament Exegesis |
BS 2331 B56 2010 |
All Roads Lead to the Text: Eight Methods of Inquiry into the Bible - A Template for Model Exegesis
with Exegetical Examples Employing Logos Bible Software
BS 534.8 D47 2011 |
New Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and Pastors |
BS 2331 F44 1983 |
Elements of Biblical Exegesis: A Basic Guide for Students and Ministers |
BS 511.3 G67 2009 |
Biblical Exegesis: A Beginner’s Handbook |
BS 476 H35 2007 |
Introduction to the History of Exegesis (3 volumes)
BS 500 M2813 1991
Discourse Grammar of the Greek New Testament: A Practical Introduction for Teaching and Exegesis |
PA 817 R86 2010 |
Old Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and Pastors |
BS 476 S83 2001 |
2) Search by Subjects in the Online Library Catalogue:
Select "Advanced Search" then "Atlantic School of Theology catalogue only". Under "Filters" select "Subject" and enter one of the following below:
Preaching, Theological Reflection
Homil* (if you attach an asterisk to the end of the root "Homil" the catalogue will look up
all variations of that word such as homily, homiletic, homiletics, homiletical, homiletically)
3) Reference Sources
Handbooks, Dictionaries, and Encyclopedias:
Concise Encyclopedia of Preaching
BV 4211.2 C583 1995
Handbook for the Common Lectionary
BS 534.5 H36 1987 |
Feasting on the Word: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary (4 volumes)
BV 4235 L43 F43 2008, Yr. A-C
New Interpreter's Handbook of Preaching
BV 4211.3 N49 2008
Dictionary of Hermeneutics :a Concise Guide to Terms, Names, Methods, and Expressions |
BS 476 H467 2005 |
4) Journals
To find journal titles (not articles) select the "Journals A-Z" tab in the Online Library Catalogue
You can also browse the library's most recent print journal subscriptions located on the third floor or explore our back issues in the basement of the library.
Some past print journal subscriptions are:
Lectionary Homiletics
Pulpit Resource
New Proclamation
Call to Worship
Liturgical Ministry
Word and World
5) Article Databases
ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials
Full text articles on biblical archaeology; church history, mission, and ecumenism; pastoral ministry; theology, religion, philosophy, and ethics
Academic Search Premier
- A multidiscipline database containing full text articles in 15 major areas of academic study including theology, religion, philosophy, and ethics
Directory of Open Access Journals
- An online directory of open access journals. Includes peer-reviewed journals and full text articles
6) Online Resources
Sermons That Work
The Text This Week
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
7) Audiovisual Materials
Preaching |
BV 4222 C7 1986 VIDEO CASS 1-4 |
Beyond a Ministry of Presence: Preaching and Innocent Suffering |
BR 45 N5 2010 DVD 1-3
Our sufficiency is of God: essays on preaching in honor of Gardner C. Taylor |
BV 4222 O86 2010 CD
Interpretation of New Testament Texts in Holy Week |
BR 45 N5 2002 VIDEO CASS 1-4
Worldly Preaching
BR 45 N5 2001 VIDEO CASS 1-3 |
Preaching "Everything in Parables"
BR 45 N5 1999 VIDEO CASS 1-4 |
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