1) Find print books by their Call Numbers:
Below is a selection of books from the AST collection related to the subject "Youth Ministry"
Hint: Try browsing the shelves around these books to find others related to the subject
Handbooks and Guides:
OMG: A Youth Ministry Handbook
BV 4447 O34 2010 |
Handbook of Youth Ministry |
BV 4447 H2946 1991
Youth Ministry Handbook |
BV 4447 T75 1994 |
Practical Youth Ministry Handbook: A Start-to-finish Guide to Successful Youth Ministry |
BV 4447 P66 1993 |
Counseling Troubled Teens and their Families: A Handbook for Pastors and Youth Workers |
BV 4464.5 W43 1999 |
Books (General): |
God-Hungry Imagination: The Art of Storytelling for Postmodern Youth Ministry |
BV 4447 A77 2007
Lives to Offer: Accompanying Youth on their Vocational Quests |
BV 4447 B2155 2007
Consuming Youth: Leading Teens through Consumer Culture |
BV 4447 B475 2010 |
Words for the Journey: Letters to our Teenagers about Life and Faith |
BV 4531.3 C67 2003 |
Practicing Passion: Youth and the Quest for a Passionate Church |
BV 4447 D395 2004 |
Sustainable Youth Ministry: Why Most Youth Ministry Doesn’t L ast and What Your Church Can Do About It
BV 4447 D457 2008 |
Book, Bath, Table, and Time: Christian Worship as Source and Resource for Youth Ministry |
BX 2347.8 Y7 E43 2007 |
Missional Youth Ministry: Explore the Intersection of Youth Ministry and Mission |
BV 4447 M57 2004 |
Millenials Rising: The Next Great Generation |
HQ 796 H74 2000 |
Presence-centered Youth Ministry: Guiding Students into Spiritual Formation |
BV 4447 K56 2006 |
Youth Ministry 3.0: A Manifesto of Where We’ve Been, Where We Are and Where We Need to Go |
BV 4447 O37 2008
Branded: Adolescents Converting from Consumer Faith |
BR 115 C67 T87 2006 |
Practicing Discernment with Youth: A Transformative Youth Ministry Approach |
BV 4447 W532 2005 |
When Kumbaya is not Enough: A Practical Theology for Youth Ministry |
BV 4447 B674 1997 |
Youth Pastor: The Theology and Practice of Youth Ministry |
BV 4447 H375 2009 |
Revisiting Youth Ministry: From a Strategy of Influence to a Theology of Incarnation |
BV 4447 R655 2007 |
Theological Turn in Youth Ministry |
BV 4447 R6625 2011 |
2) Search by Subjects in the Online Library Catalogue:
Select "Advanced Search" then "Atlantic School of Theology catalogue only". Under "Filters" select "Subject" and enter one of the following below:
Youth, Ministry
Youth, Pastor
Youth, Leadership
Youth, Discernment
Young Adults
Generation Y
3) Reference Sources
The Basic Encyclopedia for Youth Ministry |
BV 4447 B46 |
Encyclopedia of Religious and Spiritual Development |
BV 4571.3 E53 2006 |
Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL):
- Includes online multi-volume encyclopedias, handbooks, and specialized reference sources
- Subject areas covered include History, Law, Religion, and the Social Sciences
Select titles in the GVRL:
Melton's Encyclopedia of American Religions
The Brill Dictionary of Religion
4) Journals
To find journal titles (not articles) select the "Journals A-Z" tab in the Online Library Catalogue
You can also browse the library's most recent print journal subscriptions located on the third floor or explore our back issues in the basement of the library.
Some past print journal subscriptions are:
Journal of Youth Ministry
Relational Child & Youth Care Practice
Religious Education
Review of Religious Research
5) Article Databases
ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials
Full text articles on biblical archaeology; church history, mission, and ecumenism; pastoral ministry; theology, religion, philosophy, and ethics
Academic Search Premier
- A multidiscipline database containing full text articles in 15 major areas of academic study including theology, religion, philosophy, and ethics
Directory of Open Access Journals
- An online directory of open access journals. Includes peer-reviewed journals and full text articles
6) Online Resources
A Youth Ministry Bibliography
Youth Ministry Institute
Devozine (For Teens and By Teens)
EGAD! Ideas
Life in Student Ministry: Conversations among Youth Workers
Simply Youth Ministry
Have a question? Please contact the AST Library for assistance.
AST Library Website
Soul Tending: Life Forming Practices for Older Youth and Young Adults
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