1) Find print books by their Call Number ranges:
Below are some of the subject areas found in the 3rd floor stacks
BS11-115: Early versions
BS125-355: Modern texts and versions
BS500-534.8: Criticism and interpretation
BS580: Individual Old Testament characters
BS585-613: Study and teaching
BS1160-1191.5: Criticism and interpretation
BS1200-1830: Special parts of the Old Testament
BS2350-2393: Criticism and interpretation
BS2415-2417: The teachings of Jesus
BS2430-2520: Men, women, children of New Testament
BS2525-2544: Study and teaching
BS2640-2765.6: Epistles of Paul
2) Search by Subjects in the Online Library Catalogue:
Select "Advanced Search" then "Atlantic School of Theology catalogue only". Under "Filters" select "Subject" and enter one of the following below:
Bible Dictionaries
Bible Commentaries
Bible Interlinear
Bible Concordances
Bible Old Testament
Bible New Testament
Bible John
*or any combination of the word "Bible " and the name of a specific Bible book
3) Search by Bible Book in the Online Library Catalogue:
Search the following using the method outline above in section (2) :
Bible. Old Testament
*or instead of adding "Old Testament" you can simply enter the name of the specific book you are looking for, and add
"Criticism and Interpretation, etc":
e.g. Bible. Genesis -- Criticism, interpretation, etc
Bible. New Testament
*or instead of adding "New Testament" you can simply enter the name of the specific book you are looking for, and add
"Criticism and Interpretation, etc":
e.g. Bible. Luke -- Criticism, interpretation, etc
4) Reference Sources
New Interpreter's Bible (13 volumes)
BS 491.2 N484 1994
Expositor's Bible Commentary (13 volumes)
BS 491.3 E96 2006
Study Bibles:
Harper Collins Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version including the Apocraphal/
Deuterocanonical books with Concordance
BS 191.5 A1 2006 S26 2006a
New Oxford Annotated Bible: New Revised Standard Version with Apocrypha |
BS 191.5 A1 2010 N48 2010e |
Bible Dictionaries:
New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible (5 volumes) |
BS 440 N445 2006
Harper Collins Bible Dictionary
BS 440 H235 2011 |
Interlinear Bibles:
The Interlinear Hebrew/Greek English Bible (4 volumes) |
BS 3.5 1976 |
Zondervan Greek and English Interlinear New Testament (NASB-NIV)
BS 1965.5 2008b |
Interlinear NIV Hebrew-English Old Testament |
BS 715 1987b |
NRSV Concordance Unabridged: Including the Apocryphal/ Deuterocanonical Books
BS 425 K645 1991 |
Strongest NIV Exhaustive Concordance
BS 425 G62 2004 |
Strongest NASB Exhaustive Concordance
BS 425 N27 2004 |
5) Journals
To find journal titles (not articles) select "Journals A-Z" tab in the Online Library Catalogue
You can also browse the library's most recent print journal subscriptions located on the 3rd floor or explore our back issues in the basement of the library.
Some past print journal subscriptions are:
Bible Today
Biblical Archaeology Review
Biblical Theology Bulletin
Expository Times
New Testament Studies
Revue Biblique
6) Article Databases
ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials
Full text articles on biblical archaeology; church history, mission, and ecumenism; pastoral ministry; theology, religion, philosophy, and ethics
Academic Search Premier
- A multidiscipline database containing full text articles in 15 major areas of academic study including theology, religion, philosophy, and ethics
Directory of Open Access Journals
- An online directory of open access journals. Includes peer-reviewed journals and full text articles
7) Online Resources
Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception Online
Oxford Bibliographies: Biblical Studies
The Text This Week
Blue Letter Bible
NET Bible
Vatican- the Holy See, Resource Library
Have a question? Please contact the AST Library for assistance.
AST Library Website
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