
Worship and Liturgy

Page history last edited by Robert Martel 2 years, 8 months ago


1) Find print books by their Call Numbers:

Below is a selection of books from the AST collection related to the subject "Worship and Liturgy"


Hint:  Try browsing the shelves around these books to find others related to the subject


In Praise of Worship: An exploration of text and practice BV 15 I57 2010
Art of Curating Worship: Reshaping the role of worship leader
BV 15 P545 2010
Primer on Christian Worship: Where we've been, where we are, where we can go BV 15 D96 2009 
In God's Presence: Encountering, experiencing, and embracing the holy in worship BV 15 S6915 2010
Worship Changes Lives: How it works, why it matters BV 15 W665 2008
Oxford History of Christian Worship BV 15 O95 2006  
Liturgical Formation and Common Worship BX 5141 E27 2009












2) Search by Subjects in the Online Library Catalogue:

Select "Advanced Search" then "Atlantic School of Theology catalogue only". Under "Filters" select "Subject" and enter one of the following below:


Worship, Liturgy
Vital worship
Healthy Congregations
Public Worship
Worship (Religious education)
Music in liturgy
Small Churches
Liturgies, Prayers
Church music


3) Reference Sources

Handbooks, Dictionaries, and Encyclopedias:

New SCM Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship
BV 173 N487 2002 
Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings
BV 199 L42 R483 2005
Oxford Book of Prayer
BV 245 O9 1985
Worship without Words: The signs and symbols of our faith
BV 150 K54 2000 


Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL):

  • Includes online multi-volume encyclopedias, handbooks, and specialized reference sources
  • Subject areas covered include History, Law, Religion, and the Social Sciences


Select titles in the GVRL:

Encyclopedia of Religious and Spiritual Development

Melton's Encyclopedia of American Religions

The Brill Dictionary of Religion


4) Journals

To find journal titles (not articles) select the "Journals A-Z" tab in the Online Library Catalogue 


You can also browse the library's most recent print journal subscriptions located on the third floor or explore our back issues in the basement of the library.

Some past print journal subscriptions are:



Studia Liturgica

Gathering: A packet for worship planners

Call to Worship: liturgy, music, preaching and the arts



5) Article Databases

ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials

  • Full text articles on biblical archaeology; church history, mission, and ecumenism; pastoral ministry; theology, religion, philosophy, and ethics

Academic Search Premier

  • A multidiscipline database containing full text articles in 15 major areas of academic study including theology, religion, philosophy, and ethics

Directory of Open Access Journals 

  • An online directory of open access  journals. Includes peer-reviewed journals and full text articles


6) Online Resources

Revised Common Lectionary- Vanderbilt Divinity Library


Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

Worship- Anglican Church of Canada

Worship- United Church of Canada

The Painted Prayerbook


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